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Index /  Products /  Plastic Enclosure
Wall-mounting Enclosure
Code: 19-26D
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 102x62x40 mm
Code: 19-26
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 102x62x40 mm
Code: 19-25
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 150x87x36 mm
Code: 19-23
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 319x236x89 mm
Code: 19-22
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 319x236x147 mm
Code: 19-18
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 160x110x67 mm
Code: 19-17
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 160x110x67 mm

Code: 19-15
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 105x96 mm
Code: 19-14
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 128x82x64 mm
Code: 19-13
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 226x237x69 mm

Code: 19-12
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 180x120x41 mm
Code: 19-11
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 165x110x42 mm
Code: 19-10
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 202x110x73 mm
Code: 19-9
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 90x75x50 mm
Code: 19-8
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 126x81x27 mm
Code: 19-7
Description: Wall-mounting Enclosure
Size: 80x100x32 mm
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Cixi sanhe appliance & plastics co.,ltd
Professional connectors manufacturer
Euro-US quality Chinese Price
Cixi Changhe Sanhe Metal Enclosure Manufactory
Professional transmiter and casting enclosure manufactory